
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Mini Colorful Glitters, Review for Born Pretty Store

This is my review of the Mini Colorful Glitters that was sent to me by Born Pretty Store and has itemnumber #20476

These Glitters are mini indeed and really cute in a whole lot of colors and they sparkle!
As you can see in the photo's, the glitters light up like a discoball, depending how the light reaches your nails.

The Mini Colorful Glitters are available in 2 sizes package, 3 and 10 gram. 
I was sent the 3 gram-size and there are a lot of glitters in there. I have to make a lot of designs to do trough the 3 gram-box.

You can add these glitters in multiple ways: as an accentnail, like I did in the design above, but they can also give some sparkle at other designs.

Like I did here when I tried to make a simple stamped bird, into a Bird of Paradise by just adding some of the Mini Colorful Glitters of his chest and tail.

I really recommend these Mini Colorful Glitters if you want to add some sparkles to your nailart-designs!

You can get these Mini Colorful Glitters, and a whole lot more, at Born Pretty Store, itemnumber #20476

If you use my code LWGK31, you can get a 10% discount on all items, so also on these Mini Glitters!

What do you think: will you buy and use these Mini ColorfulGlitters to sparkle up your nailart-designs?